Tuesday, April 22, 2014

More Spring Quarter

It's been over a week! Lots has been going. Hopefully this is representative of the highlights, although I forgot my camera more and more often so important things won't necessarily be featured here (for example, N.Rich's visit, M.Sharma's visit, Les Mis, etc)

April 11th. On our way to Davis. K.Alarcon was surprised by the flash. 

April 12th. O.Olmos is ruler of the buses at Davis. She got us all free tickets just because we were "sisters."


We were very fond of our plants and carried them around every where.

Dancing up on stage with the band.

The massive crowd at the Turtle House in Davis, were we spent a good part of the afternoon.

April 13th. Tired selfie, because the inside of Barts and Caltrains aren't very interesting. 

April 15th. My first passover dinner. I was virtually perpetually hungry. 

April 16th. My favorite cubicle in the library is covered with little notes. I like this one best. 
April 17th. Visiting R.Mata in his XOX mansion. 

April 19th. The first one in the library, because I guess no one is going to write my thesis for me.

Waiting in line for Crepe Night at the French House!

The night has clearly devolved. But we're all 21. 
April 20th. Trying to take N.Avery's next profpic at the bookstore. 

Easter (Passover friendly) dinner at home. 
April 21st. Moody.

I only missed two days. Can you spot them?

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