Friday, April 11, 2014

A Photo Dump

The first day I missed was yesterday. That's a bummer, because it was going so well! I realized that a better way to organize my project was to label photos with dates, so I'll try that from here on out. Luckily that magical thing called a memory card keeps track!

This past week has been a hectic whirlwind of mostly downs but some ups. I got to spend last weekend in Berkeley catching up with old friends, went to a crazy awesome concert in the city (AND GOT A PICK THAT WAS THROWN INTO THE AUDIENCE AT THE END! :D). I also did a lot of work and thought a lot about how I should be doing work. Still managing to read a little for fun here and there and have almost survived through The Stranger

April 2; It must be spring.
April 3: Beauty outside of the library; so easy to miss!
April 4: Killer seats at SF Symphony on a Friday night, for free to boot.
April 5th was my full Saturday in Berkeley. As we were walking to Cheeseboard for dinner, J.Zhang decided she was a photographer and was going to capture my next profile picture. A series of photos rather than a single one does more justice to the scenario...and believe me when I say there were DOZENS more!


Thank goodness we're nearing the restaurant. I recover my camera and the walk is over. 
Getting ready to head back to school on April 6. 
On April 7th this guy drives me to the grocery store and carries my groceries ^_^

On April 8th N. Avery comes home with some plants. They are now our children. We will see how long they survive.

On April 9th I went to a HAIM concert in the city with these cute foolz. Unreasonable Wednesdays are excellent. 

And on April 10th I forgot. :S But you didn't miss much; I was in the library worrying virtually all day. It wasn't a fun time. Nothing interesting happened.

Today is not over yet, so today's will be in the next batch! 

Thanks for making it through to the end of my dump. :)

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