Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Just Found

Here's a blog post from the bus station in Heathrow I forgot to post. Oh silly me ^^ :

Trip typically horrible. Both my tapenade and my St. Nectaire were stolen by the hyper-paranoid security guard, who informed me that it wasn't just liquids and gels that had to be confined to under 100mL, but “mushy/soft pastes” as well. Apparently almost all types of cheese (except for “tome” and “gruyere,” she explains) fall into this category. It goes without saying that ground-up bits of olives do too. I think I must be tired because as she explained this to me I started to get all teary-eyed and choked up, and I felt like punching something.

I tried to spend the duration of the trip “businessman style.” I always thought it would be cool to sit down in the plane and not move until the plane touched down. No entertainment of any kind except for people-watching, reading newspapers over strangers' shoulders, and thinking. After a mild hour and a half of this, I realized it's really not all it's cracked up to be.

After a Caffe Nero panini for lunch (man, bread is just such a wonderful food/tastes so good), I'm currently waiting at the bus station to meet up with my friend to take the bus to Oxford. It's so strange to think that I've been in this exact place three months ago, with no idea what it was like where I was going/what I had gotten myself into. Sitting here people-watching all the foreigners, I can't help but smile about how much less foreign I feel here compared to back then.  

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