Sunday, February 3, 2013

Quiet (and Field Trip Pictures)

Today's one of those eerily quiet, muted days that make you think the major earthquake is going to strike tomorrow (before you realize that you don't live on top of the San Andreas fault anymore...). I should be revising my essay, but I can already tell that motivation to do much other than eat potato chips and listen to One Direction on repeat (I dare you to judge me) is going to be severely lacking.

As promised, here are some pictures from my London field trip on Friday! We went to the Cabinet War Rooms and the HMS Belfast.

In front of a French bakery, clearly by a French person. <3

Hitler, as graffiti-ed onto one of the Cabinet War Room maps. 
Where all the important people sat to argue war strategy. Churchill got that rounded chair in the middle.

So many pinholes! 

Oil was important back then too, of course. All of these beautiful charts and tables were done without Excel. Blows my mind.

TPelz and I decided to be immature and use the "MOST SECRET" stamp on ourselves. One of the coolest parts of the museum was that you could try out a real live typewriter! I kind of want one now. 

The ship! Part of convoys over the Atlantic for war-effort supplies.

The HMS Belfast was also full of these wax figures. Many times they were in unexpected places and scared me. Here's the dentistry.

Captaining the ship.

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