Sunday, March 24, 2013

Menton Tomorrow

Tomorrow I'm off on a road trip with Dominique and Mimi to Menton, the town smack dab in the middle of this beautiful screenshot. Italy is to the right of that dark squiggly; that water's the Mediterranean! I'm excited to finally be able to say I've been to Italy, but there's (of course) a tragic twist: during the whole of our stay, the rules of Passover will be presiding over my life. Meaning no authentic pizza or pasta for me. :(

This will be my first Passover away from family. I won't even be going to a seder at all; my uncle and grandma are both Catholic, so tomorrow night will be like any other night for them. I think this fact, coupled with all the discussion about my brother's graduation, is reminding me of a feeling that I've been so far super successfully ignoring: I miss home. It's weird to say I'm homesick and that I miss my family when I'm with family, and I've always considered L'Artaudie a home. But I guess that's not good enough for me exactly right now. (It's weird to type this in my blog when at the same time I know that virtually its only readers are my family members...tearz for interweb non-popularity...but I can at least pretend that it's my blog written for a general audience and not just some weird round-about way of reminding them I'm alive).

There'll be no internet in Menton, and I was stupid enough to only bring one book that I've already finished, so for a week I'll have to busy myself With...I guess...strolling around and being a tourist. Taking lots of pictures. Gambling in Monaco and casually becoming a millionaire. Arguing with my grandma about gay marriage (if I'm brave enough to bring up the subject again...). Not eating bread. Pretending I can draw (this illusion will last about half a day, as it always does). Hopefully not thinking too much, because that's really the recurring trap.

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