Wednesday, July 11, 2012

In The Stream

Every time I listen to this song, I feel such a certain, inexplicable way. I can't understand why S. Carey is not insanely famous yet. I die. The whole album is worth a serious listen, from start to finish, preferably on a rainy day in a darkened room sprawled on the floor. Cricket-filled nights will work too, I suppose. That's more seasonal anyways...

I was folded by ferns 
You could return, the earth 
All to her 
Open mouth 
Look up and out 
Fall my failures 
To the ground 
I know, I know, I know all them 

I am wind in the pines 
I am a line you can't define 
When the dawn breaks 
When the moon shakes
In my love-lock landscapes 
I know, I know, I know all them
Be in my vision 
My gardener 
I'll be an architect 
On window steam
And I'll be in the stream

Be in that canyon 
That corridor 
I'll be an architect 
On window steam 
I'll be in the steam

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