Last published May 1, 2013?! Holy geez! Has my life just gotten that much more boring? Or have I gotten that much more lazy? Probably both.
Anyways, no posts about the end of my study abroad because I'm guessing that I was too depressed and in denial to want to write about how I was feeling. Maybe pictures will come once I can get my act together.
Summer's been strange. Readjusting to home and Stanford campus. I really enjoyed my work with the Stanford Language and Cognition Lab and am considering whether I should return there in the fall (and potentially do an honors thesis with them?!)
Currently working on a scholarship application that's been killing me for the past three weeks. My parents have gone hiking with one of their friends, and I'm home alone trying to finish these nightmare-inducing essays.
Naturally, an hour and a cup of coffee later, a dance party ensues.
Join me!